Nonverbal Communication and Listening Skills



The importance of human interaction within society for our lives. An interaction occurs when two people meet. According to Dionysus (2017), when we are born, we have a great dependence because of the need for protection and nourishment. “A lot of theories have stressed that the quality of the interaction we have at the beginning of our life, will form the way we will perceive the world later” (Dionysus, 2017, p. 16). Because of these interactions we acquire basic social skills that help us with communication, a way of interacting with society. 

Nonverbal signals can create bias against larger groups

The influence of technology on communication, where language is constantly changing, which is why the point to be discussed is messaging, for which non-verbal communication is used today. The emoji is an element or tool that adjusts to non-verbal communication. "Mobile phones were originally intended for “voice-based communication” (Durante, 2016). 

How to Send Animoji or Memoji As WhatsApp Stickers

The use of messaging causes the ability to express oneself with the body and face to affect communication. Using emoticons to express feelings or emotions is a form of non-verbal communication that calls into question its veracity. Emoticons are punctuation marks that show a facial expression. These emoticons were used in the 19th century in an informal and humorous way. Emoticons fulfill an emotional, expressive function and not only that, but they show concepts and ideas, such as celebration and activities (Durante, 2016)

The use of messaging causes the ability to express oneself with the body and face to affect communication. The use of emoticons to express feelings or emotions is a form of nonverbal communication that questions its veracity. Emoticons are punctuation marks that show a facial expression. These emoticons were used in the 19th century in an informal and humorous way. 

How to get iPhone Emojis for Your Android

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Dionysus Fragkiadakis. (2017). How does the effect of technology on human comnunication influence non-verbal communication skills? ResearchGate, 1–68.

Durante, C. B. (2016). Running head: AN ANALYSIS OF EMOJI AND OTHER DIGITAL NONVERBALS. Copyright.


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