Smartphone Apps and Listening Skills



In today's technological world, smartphones play a key role in our daily lives, providing us with easy access to information and constant global communication. Smartphone applications serve a variety of needs, from education to entertainment. This part of the blog focuses on apps that people use to improve their skills, such as language learning. Listening, a crucial skill for interpreting information and building relationships, can be honed using smartphone apps.  We will explore popular apps that make it easy to improve skills through listening.

Top smartphone apps of the decade

Smartphones are mobile phones that have advanced functions, in many of them we can see that they can take photographs, play videos, browse the internet, among others. According to Islam et al (2010) Mobile applications are software programs designed to run on mobile devices and perform various tasks for the user. This segment of global information and communication technology is constantly developing and is accessible, user-friendly, inexpensive, downloadable and executable on most cell phones, including the most inexpensive and entry-level phones. Mobile applications have a wide range of uses covering areas such as calls, messaging, web browsing, chat, social network communication, audio, video, games, among others.

How Can You Improve Your Listening Skills in English?

Listening is fundamental to effective communication, as it involves receiving and understanding what is being said. This process includes the ability to recognize the spoken message and understand both the main and secondary points, as well as the connections between the various parts of speech (Dash, 2022).


Arumsari1. Kurnia-Octaviani, S. (2022). Duolingo Mobile Application for English Listening Skill Improvement of Vocational School Students. Journal of English Language and Education, 7(2), 2597- 6850.  


Chen, M. O. Pramela, K. Afendi, H. (2022). Reading on Smartphones: Students’ Habits and Implications for Reading Skills. Computer Assisted Language Learning Electronic Journal (CALL-EJ), 23(1), 259-277.'_Habits_and_Implications_for_Reading_Skills/links/62172a0e4ef2165938ef2027/Reading-on-Smartphones-Students-Habits-and-Implications-for-Reading-Skills.pdf?origin=journalDetail&_tp=eyJwYWdlIjoiam91cm5hbERldGFpbCJ9 

Dash, B. B. (2022). The Art of Effective Listening Skills: Needs, Goals and Strategies. Galaxy: International Multidisciplinary Research journal, 2(3), 1 - 3, The Art of Effective Listening Skills: Needs, Goals and Strategies (

Kacetl, J. Klímová, B. (2019). Use of Smartphone Applications in English Language Learning—A Challenge for Foreign Language Education. Education Sciences, 9(3), 179,  

Islam, R. Islam, R. Mazumder, T. A. (2010). Mobile Application and Its Global Impact. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 10(6), 72 - 78, Mobile application and its global impact (

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